Sunday 22 March 2015

The Birthday party

Worksheet of The Birthday party :

 The Birthday party

The Birthday Party (1957) is the second full-length play by Harold Pinter and one of Pinter's best-known and most-frequently performed plays. After its hostile London reception almost ended Pinter's playwriting career, it went on to be considered "a classic"

Pinter's this play " The Birthday Party " is best example of comedy of menace because in that there is joke of Stanley's birthday even there is no birthday of him. But in a topic of his fake birthday Lulu an innocent girl became victim by a man during this party. So there is a joke with horror of darkness. Darkness of room and scream of Lulu also shows feminist view and darkness of society.
Another matter is about Newspaper , so we all know that from newspaper a person can get information but Petey is totally unaware from two unknown persons. It is vary shameful matter .
Another matter of putting " Silence " and " Pause " in movie so its very good idea to satire on scenes silently , in a hidden way.
From this play till the end and idea of fake birthday is very meaningless. it shows absurdity like " Waiting For Godot ". No idea about unknown person and Stanley's character also.

Thank you

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Clara - the journey starts

 સુતેલા પૂર્વજ ની અર્ધ કપાય ગયેલી પાંખો ધીમે ધીમે ધૂળ ની જેમ ઉડે છે અને દિવ્ય દરવાજા માં જાય છે. રાણી અને બીજા બધા પતંગિયાઓ ની આંખો ચાર થઈ જ...