One Night @ the Call Center is a novel written by Chetan Bhagat and first published in 2005. The novel revolves around a group of six call center employees working at the Connexions call center in Gurgaon, Haryana.
It takes place during the span of one night, during which all of the
leading characters confront some aspect of themselves or their lives
they would like to change. The story takes a dramatic and decisive turn
through a literal deus ex machina, when the characters receive a phone call from God.
1. Yes I am agree with that question about Bhagat has a talent for tapping into the Zeitgeist because his works represent today's life and current situations. It is like spirit of age and time comes through out Chetan Bhagat's work. Chetan Bhagat's other works also mainly based on education of India and problems of India it doesn't mean that the main power and inner strength of youth is weak.To work in one call center is may be character's matter of interest also. we cant judge them as a weak matter.
2. As per this novel there are many characters work together but they have their individual mindset about God. To believe in God and to realize God is different thing. Here as work is worship but sometimes we cant find out some ways on the base of our intelligent mind an that time our inner voice or strength may help us as in this novel - a call of God.. So it may be our inner voice or help of God. But it is cleat that in the life somehow we are not ready to judge ourselves that time this thing help us a lot.
3. In a matter of Globalization , there are many advantages of that. people should interact and integrate among other people of the world. In this novel the language English is very important weapon , which should help people for better communication and for better future of India.
4. According to dues ex machine and another movie Life of Pi , there is a matter of prologue and epilogue . Appearance of God and suddenly some changes in the story is very important matter. Here in both story God's matter is like climax.
5. This novel One night @ the call center covered many issues of India like education , money , marriage , relationship and also a matter of nationalism. It is totally connected with Youth life and gives many messages also regarding these characters.
6. Ya. the call from God is very important part in this novel. it is one kind of faith. I am believing so that i can speak about God and faith or in other matter it is call our inner voice also. But in this novel a call from God is very meaningful matter by Bhagat , because of people of India and their mindset.
7. At last Vroom knows India and America very well so that on a base of theme of anti american idea he wanted some changes in India.
Thank you
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